* Shortlisted top 30 teams are to further participate in the Government of India’s SIH-2023
* SIH-2023 is to be conducted by the Ministry of Education’s Innovation cell & AICTE
* “Students ought to be innovatively prepared for providing befitting solutions to varied problems”: LPU Pro Chancellor Mrs Rashmi Mittal
Renowned globally for technical education, innovation, research & development; Lovely Professional University (LPU) organised an internal Hackathon with 120 innovative teams. Of these, shortlisted winning teams are to further participate at Govt. of India’s national Smart India Hackathon (SIH)-2023’.
For this, LPU’s Department of Student Research and Project organized two-day ‘Gear up Season-2: Gateway to Smart India Hackathon-2023’ at the Innovation Studio of the university. This internal ‘Hackathon’ is a prerequisite for the Government of India’s nationwide ‘SIH-2023’ initiative. It was a 36 hours long continuous competitive event, where participants had to work to provide solutions on a problem assigned to their team, individually.
This initiative is to provide students a platform to solve some of the pressing problems people face in daily lives in various domains. The competition thus is to inculcate a culture of product innovation and a mind-set of problems-solving. The students were made to understand that “No problem is too big… No idea is too small”. Get innovative solutions to problems in cost effective ways for an opportunity to further be a bigger part of nation building opportunity.
LPU’s Pro Chancellor Mrs Rashmi Mittal encouraged the talented participants and invoked them to be always ready for providing out-of-the-box solutions to eradicate problems existing around. Mrs Mittal also inspired them to be a great and winning part of the biggest innovation movement.

The mega innovation competition witnessed 120 teams comprising 720 student participants of six students each, including at least one female student; and, near 100 faculty mentors and eminent Jury from Industry-academia participated for smooth conduction. Shortlisted teams will now participate in the national SIH-2023, that’ll be organised by the Ministry of Education’s Innovation cell, Ministry of Education, AICTE.
The event proved to be an exciting culmination of innovation, creativity, and technical prowess as teams from all the disciplines competed to solve some of India’s most pressing challenges through innovative technology solutions.

In all 380 teams, comprising six students each, from various schools and departments of the university had registered for massive competition. Of these, 120 teams were finalized after first screening. From here, top 30 teams are to get further nominated for SIH-2023. LPU students have also achieved success in other editions of SIH.
Themes were taken from near 20 sectors including Med Tech, Bio-tech, Health-Tech; Agriculture, Food Tech & Rural Development; Smart Vehicles; Robotics & Drones; Clean & Green Technology; Games & Toys; Tourism; Renewable & Sustainable Energy; Smart Education; Fitness & Sports; Fin-tech; Block Chain & Cyber-security and more.