The idea of being successful and doing good deeds for society is the most captivating thought a person thinks about in his life. All the dreams and ambitions that we nurture from childhood come true when we emerge victoriously or get to be our own boss. The age of 20s is the time when graduates are busily enrouting their careers, and the budding entrepreneurs start living in their dreams of how their venture is going to be. Amalgamating it, we can say that the college period is the time when the youth starts to think about being successful and become independent. But wouldn’t it be great if you were successful and doing good for society, both, at the same time?
One such man who made his name a brand with all his exertions and dedication in the domain of entrepreneurship is Mr. Sai Abhinay Chepuri. 20-year-old Sai, a final year B. Tech student of Lovely Professional University, is not only a successful entrepreneur himself but is also helping others to be successful in life. At such a young age, the proud Verto owns two flourishing start-ups, Make It Memorable (MIM) and Enviropromise.
No one ever thought that a small-town boy of Karimnagar, born in a middle-class family, would be shining like a star one day and would be living a life less ordinary. But, Sai, who never gave up on his dreams and passion for achieving the goals he had decided for himself and believed that all his efforts would bore him fruitful results in the future, proved that nothing is impossible. Startlingly, through his start-up, Make It Memorable (MIM), started back in 2017, he has so far helped around 70 individuals, who are capable but not well resourced, to discover work by associating them with big corporate firms.

In a recent talk, Sai revealed that the people his venture is supporting have tremendous talent but lack the primary communication and soft skills, which hinders their path towards success. Thus, the professors at MIM train them and get them their desired jobs, and the whole process is free of cost. Adding to it, Sai talked of the plans for the future and said that they are looking forward to charging a nominal fee to help more people with their services. For the noble services his start-up is providing, Sai has been honored with many awards, namely, ‘Emerging Entrepreneur Award 2019, ‘Young Entrepreneur Award 2020‘, ‘Creative Entrepreneur Award 2020‘, and many more on the list.
Talking about his success, Sai always thanks Lovely Professional University for supporting him all through his journey and providing him the platform where he could explore his skills and could groom himself. Not only him, but LPU, with the help of Student Entrepreneurship Cell, has nurtured many bright minds and has given many great leaders and entrepreneurs to society.
Currently, Sai is trying to collaborate with T-Hub and Venture Capitalists for funding on his new venture Enviropromise. This start-up, initially, aims at helping farmers to produce organic crops, and they also have the vision to generate bio-diesel/bio-petrol from waste and manufacture electric, solar vehicles too, in the later stages. “It’s like a dream come true to achieve so much in such an early stage in life, and now this gives me the strength to take more risks in life,” said the young entrepreneur and a proud Verto Sai Abhinay. His work also got featured in the TOI recently.
I congratulate Sai on his remarkable achievement and wish him the best for his future endeavors.