Paranormal Activity in Student Life

Paranormal Activity in Student Life


 Being a student is not one bit easy, trust me I know being a student myself. What adds color to our already boring and exhausting life apart from ogling the opposite gender is talk of paranormal activity. Somehow this topic has always been the favorite discussion of all gatherings.

Now that the winter is here, having a mug of hot coffee, huddled in blankets and talking about paranormal activity with your roomies and friends feels like the best way to spend the night.

To many, it is the best way, as even though it is spooky it is also exhilarating to many especially to those who don’t believe in it and think it’s an invention to pass time. Mostly the discussions are over their experiences of the ghost or something which happened to their relatives or sometimes a famous folklore of their native place. Soon the conversation steers to another aspect which is usually about paranormal things of the city they are currently in or their own building.

Rumors, made up stories all feel so real at that time. Sometimes it can turn out to be true too. (You never know). Some die-hard-curious paranormal addicts take it to whole different level by actually performing the rituals of Bloody Mary or any other paranormal spirit inducing game.

Many even get fun out of teasing the poor roomie who is always scared when it comes to anything paranormal. If talking stories was not enough then quite a number of people turn that discussion into horror movie marathon night or play pranks at their neighbors in the dead of night. Somehow this discussion on mysterious beings always finds its way.

So do let us know what kind of experiences you had as a student in the comment section below.