School of Professional Enhancement Organized ‘Dream Drug’ at the School of Pharmacy

School of Professional Enhancement Organized ‘Dream Drug’ at the School of Pharmacy


Selling medicines not only requires the knowledge of drugs, its effects and causes but also requires selling and presentation skills. Aiming at developing these skills in the students, School of Professional Enhancement organized a drug discovery and presentation contest ‘Dream drug– Welcome to the world of medicines’ for Pharmacy/Ayurveda students.

Students participated in teams of minimum five members each. These teams were alloted a disease which they had to research and find a drug as a cure for that disease. Each team member was assigned a role and the teams prepared and delivered a role play based presentation on the drug as per the roles assigned.

Following were the roles of the team members:-

1.       Research head

2.       Quality control

3.       Production manager

4.       Marketing Manager

5.       Medical representative

All teams portrayed thier roles so amazingly that the audience felt the role play was next to reality. Out of 30 registered teams the winners were:

1. First, Team Name: Allos Pathos comprising  Maninder Singh, Karandeep Singh, Bikram Singh,Pavleen Kaur, Khushboo Singh from Pharmacology Club.

2. Second, Team Name: Druggist, comprising Ave Kachroo, Tarun Gill, Ashutosh Gupta, Sourav, Chetan from Industrial Pharmacy Club.

3. Second, Team Name: Phoenix comprising Mayukh, Subhajit, Souvik Mohanta, Ravi Singh, Rahul from Student Training Club.

4. Third, Team Name: Visionaries comprising Pranjal, Ravina, Saurabh, Mansi, Subha from Industrial Pharmacy Club.

Congratulations to the winners.!!