Must to have school supplies for Freshers

Must to have school supplies for Freshers

Must to have

As the new session begins the requirement of basic college day to day items may start. You have to make projects, presentations, handwritten reports in the university and you can’t afford to lag in submissions and marks in these initial days due to short of essential college items. So, for help here is a list of daily usage things in college.

  • Calculator

calculatorDoesn’t matter if you are pursuing a mathematics-oriented course or not, Calculator is something which you need regularly in your freshman year. The subjects like Electronics, Mechanics and even architecture requires a calculator. Make sure to carry a good scientific calculator which should also be able to operate calculus problems.

  • Laptop

Laptop with smartphoneMany students start to bring their laptop from the 2nd semester, but it is prescribed to have a laptop from the beginning only. It will be beneficial for you to be ahead from rest through practising your skills, making attractive presentations by giving more time to your laptop. You can choose any specification or model depending on your use.

  • Smartphone

phoneIt is not compulsory to have a smartphone on the campus, but it will be helpful to you for accessing quick information regarding any work. You will also be connected to other students, groups, and faculties and always alert by surrounding events and news. It will also give ease to access your daily college schedules, projects, and marks.

  • Pen, Pencil, and Notebook

NotebooksTry to always carry at least a pair of notebooks along with blue, black ball pens. It is not suggested to write all subjects in a single notebook because it may create problems at the time of mid or end exams. Try to make separate copy or sections for each subject. Also, don’t miss the pencil-eraser sets for quick help during lectures.

  • Planner/ Pocket diary

PlannersPlanner and pocket diary are essential for increasing your productivity in college. Design your day and distribute your work according to the timetable in the planner and track your punctuality. A pocket diary is needed in class to write last minute things, assigned projects, important topics, things to do and especially sudden striking ideas.

  • Pen drives

pen drivesA Pen drive should be with you every time during and after college hours. There are various students carrying information, reports, study material and they can directly share it with you with a pen drive. Teachers will share their teaching materials in class and at that time you will be satisfied to get it in your pen drive. However, you should consult college authorities if carrying a pen drive is allowed on campus or not.