Selfie Culture


We humans, inhabitants of planet earth, have evolved so much over time i.e. physically, psychologically, and socially. But that wasn’t enough, the 21st century brought with it loads of gadgets and technologies. All of it, just to give birth a new culture of narcissism.

At  every gathering there are people aplenty who own a front cam smartphones and you eventually one find someone or the other clicking themselves, or  entire groups trying to squeeze into a single frame. This selfie craze makes no discrimination, men, women, young, old, cricket match, brother’s wedding, Manali trip, or a sunny winter afternoon on the campus – selfies are clicked everywhere and by everyone.

It is a hard figure to fathom, but over 1 billion selfies are shot every day and 75% of these are uploaded the same day on social media sites.

Picture that – but not as a selfie please!