Short Term Course on Research Methodology and Data Analysis

Short Term Course on Research Methodology and Data Analysis

LPU organized 6-day, ‘Short Term Course on Research Methodology and Data Analysis using SPSS’

Lovely Professional University – Human Resource Development Center and School of Physical Education, LPU organized 6-day, ‘Short Term Course on Research Methodology and Data Analysis’ w.e.f July 26 to July 31, 2021.

The course received active participation of 90+ participants from 36 universities and colleges representing 26 states of India

Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Professor and Associate Dean- HRDC presented the program report and she thanked the Co-convener of the program Dr. Pavitar Prakash Singh, Professor & Associate Dean, Lovely Professional University, Program Coordinators Dr. Savita Gupta, Professor, and Head Dept. of Faculty Development, HRDC, LPU, Dr. Neelam Sharma, Professor and Head Department of Physical Education, LPU and Mr. Sunil Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, LPU and Ms. Sushma, Assistant, Department of Faculty Development, HRDC, LPU. Dr. Ahuja concluded that the course must have been stimulating and exciting experience for participants and will stand a good stead in research.

The 6-day STC was conducted by Dr. Vishal Sarin , Professor and HOD- Deptt. of Economics, Mittal School of Business, LPU, Dr. Lokesh Jasrai, Associate Professor and HOD-Deptt. of General Marketing, Mittal School of Business,LPU, Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Professor and Associate Dean and Head –HRDC,LPU and Dr. Savita Gupta, Professor, Head –Deptt. of Faculty Development, HRDC, LPU.

The STC covered fundamentals of Data Analysis using SPSS, Hypothesis Testing, One-way and Two-way ANOVA, Factor Analysis, Correlation. Regression Analysis, High Impact Publication and Academic Integrity and Ethics in Research. As per feedback received from participants, resource persons were highly resourceful, expressive and fluent in putting across their viewpoint. The participants were not only appreciative of the rich content, their knowledge but also their data analysis skills.

Prof.(Dr.) D. Buddhi, Executive Dean, Division of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, in his valedictory  address appreciated the efforts of LPU- HRDC and expressed hope that HRDC will continue to provide such academic enrichment program in future as well.

Prof. (Dr.) Neelam Sharma, Head Deptt. of physical Education, Dr. Savita Gupta, Professor and Head-Deptt. Of Faculty Development, Human Resource Development Center and Mr. Sunil Kumar, Assistant Professor Deptt. Of physical Education Coordinated the workshop maintaining great connect with the participants and Resource team.

In the words of one of the participant Ms. Munmun Sharma, “Gained immense learning from this course. I should say very well planned, detailed knowledge sharing of topics. Appreciate the Hands on practice DIY tasks as well the final evaluation which lead to real learning. A big thanks to all the resource persons. Looking forward to more such courses and workshops from LPU.”

Another participant Chaitanya Lekharaju mentioned,“This workshop did not limit itself to train the participants in the software and wash their hands. The content of this workshop has touched the basics and explained the conditions and uses of the various tests with some real-time examples. These real-time examples have made the concepts clear. Thank You for conducting this workshop and it is a big success indeed!”

The program concluded with the closing remarks of Course Coordinator, Dr. Savita Gupta thanking the resource panel, course conveners and the participants and acknowledged the efforts of the Organizing Committee.