* Occasion was ‘Inspirational Talk on Happiness Unlimited’ organized by LPU in association with Brahma Kumaris
* Meditation Centre is to be operative at the Department of Counseling & Happiness of the university
* “Purpose of life is to create a peaceful and happy environment for others with positive thoughts & behavior”: Sister Shivani
* “We ought to change ourselves first as per times; to see others get changed too”: BK Shivani
Brahma Kumari Shivani (Sister BK Shivani) visited Lovely Professional University (LPU), where she inaugurated a ‘Meditation Centre’ at LPU for the Department of Counseling & Happiness of the university. The center is to guide many thousands of students and staff members at LPU Campus. On this occasion, she was accompanied by Chancellor of the university Dr Ashok Kumar Mittal and Pro Chancellor Mrs Rashmi Mittal, who also bestowed a memento of recognition to her.

This occasion was an ‘Inspirational Talk on Happiness Unlimited’ organized by LPU in association with Brahma Kumaris at the Shanti Devi Mittal Auditorium of the university.
Sister BK Shivani is a teacher in the Brahma Kumaris spiritual movement in India. She is also a practitioner and teacher of ‘Rajyoga Meditation’ that is at the heart of the teachings of Brahma Kumaris world spiritual organization.
Also, eminently present on this occasion were Union Minister of State for Commerce & Industry Mr Som Parkash, Lovely Group Chairman Mr Ramesh Mittal, LPU’s Vice President Dr Aman Mittal, Director General Er HR Singla and other top ranks. More than 3000 staff members, students and devotees attended the talk.

Conversing with the audience in the simplest possible interactive manner, Sister Shivani guided all to avoid stress on trifle matters and search for peace and prosperity all around you alone. For all ills and mistakes only a person himself/herself is responsible. Happiness can’t be purchased in the form of materialistic gains for status symbols. These provide physical comfort, not peace. Instead of believing only in the human “doings”, great achievement and performances, try to be real “human beings”. The need of the hour is to nourish within great rites, rituals, sacraments.

Remembering the harshness of COVID-19 times, BK Shivani suggested that it has taught us all that anything can happen anytime anywhere. For that all have to be ready with goodness within for self and others. Life is all about what one is creating, radiating and carrying forward. The purpose of life is to create a peaceful and happy environment for others with positive thoughts and behavior. Always remember we all are responsible ourselves for various adversities befalling upon us. Good knowledge is like nutrients to us all, gain this; however, the mind keeps on loitering aimlessly many times. Control it with meditation; it will lead in the right direction.

“We ought to change ourselves first as per times; to see others get changed too”, also shared by BK Shivani. Avoid anger and expectations, these are top sources of dissatisfaction, discouragement and depression. Only self-thinking can make or mar surroundings. One’s attitude should not disturb others. Keep mind under control to add grace to the environment. BK Shivani also congratulated all for the 76th Independence Day of the country and advised all to celebrate it with full force and fervour.