Social Phobia

Social Phobia


‘Phobia’ is the term used for an irrational, deep seated, debilitating fear. Social phobia is a strong fear of being judged inadequate by others, of embarrassing oneself. This fear is more common than one would believe and often puts serious limitations on people’s everyday lives.

A person suffering from social phobia may just seem shy, but actually they are fighting just to be able to eat or drink normally in front of others or get their supplies from the market, or even just hail a  taxi. Bigger challenges like public speaking or meeting a large number of new people can make such people anxious for weeks, and put them under considerable stress.

Of course most people who have this phobia are aware that their fear is out of proportion or unreasonable, but they can’t help it. Researches on the topic have been inconclusive as to the cause of such a phobia, though it has been sometimes seen to run in families in some cases. Professional counselling and therapy, along with certain drugs have been seen to curb the fear to an extent that allows people to live their everyday lives comfortably.

For those out there who have been struggling with this phobia without even realising there is a name for it, please know that you aren’t alone, and that help is available. Please don’t let this become a vicious cycle where you label yourself inadequate or useless, out of fear of judgement and embarrassment.