Short Term Course on Transnational Migration and Social Development

Short Term Course on Transnational Migration and Social Development

Short Term Course on Transnational Migration & Social Development

One of the most apparent and significant consequences of globalization is increased migration: increasing numbers of individuals move inside countries and across borders in search of better job opportunities and better lifestyles. Despite the fact that migration is often regarded as an issue, it adds to long-term development. Remittances provide security to disadvantaged households and, with the right laws in place, can contribute to local economic growth. Migrant workers are becoming an increasingly essential portion of the labor force in industrial countries with aging populations, and they help support national welfare programs. National and international policy must reflect migration’s contribution to long-term development and expressly defend migrants’ rights, which are all too often overlooked in attempts to restrict their movement. In this context, Short Term Course on Transnational Migration & Social Development was held from June 27 to July 02, 2022 organized by Department of Sociology, School of Social Science and Languages and Human Resource Development Center, LPU. The program aimed at developing the understanding on migration in sociological thought, recent trends in migrants’ experience, migrants and remittances, migration policies and long term development and future of migration

The program convener Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Professor & Dean and Head-HRDC, LPU in her inaugural address assured that participants would be enriched with knowledge. “The Short Term Course is unique in terms of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment methods” she expressed. The program was conducted by seasoned Subject Matter Expert namely Dr. Prasanjit Tribhuvan, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jodhpur, Dr. Sandhya Rani Mahapatro, Assistant Professor, A N Sinha Institute of Social Studies, Patna, Dr. Ishita Dey, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, South Asian University, New Delhi, Dr. Sukanya Das, Assistant Professor Department of Sociology, School of Social Science and Languages, LPU Dr. Supreet, Assistant Professor Department of Sociology, School of Social Science and Languages, LPU and Dr. Rosy Hastir, Assistant Professor Department of Sociology, School of Social Science and Languages, LPU

Dr. Prasanjit Tribhuvan explained the Social Development: A Consequence of Migration Dr. Sandhya Rani Mahapatro emphasised Migration & Social Deviance, Dr. Ishita Dey  elaborated on policy formation in relation to refugees and asylum seekers, Dr. Sukanya Das, deliberated on migration as an old age phenomenon, Dr. Supreet emphasised Migration as Social Process: through the lens of sociological perspectives and  Dr. Rosy Hastir explored on  irregular migration and migrants’ experiences,

In the valedictory address, the program convener Prof. (Dr.) Pavitar Parkash Singh, Dean and HOS- School of Social Sciences & Languages, Lovely Professional University emphasized that the Short Term Courses organized as outreach training programs are envisioned to upskill participants of Lovely Professional University and public at large and this course was successful in meeting the said objectives. He also acknowledged the valuable contribution of the intellectual capital and appreciated the organizing team for organizing a meaningful STC, successfully meeting participants’ expectations.

Prof. (Dr.) Pavitar Parkash Singh congratulated the program coordinators Dr. Savita Gupta, Professor and Head-Department of Faculty Development-HRDC, LPU and Dr. Rosy Hastir, Assistant Professor Department of Sociology, School of Social Science and Languages, LPU for coordinating the program and maintaining a great connection with the participants and Resource Panel.

The Coordinators of the program Dr. Savita Gupta, Professor and Head –Department of Faculty Development, Human Resource Development Center, LPU  presented the Program Report by sharing the ‘THINK BIG’ vision of  Lovely Professional University which empowered them to organize the Short Term Course on Transnational Migration & Social Development and congratulated the participants for successful completion of the program.

The feedback analysis revealed the participants were delighted with the organization of Short Term Course by Lovely Professional University-Human Resource Development Center. They strongly agreed that the program was well structured, relevant in terms of content, exposed them to new knowledge and practices and their queries were responded to well by the Subject Matter Experts.

The course intonated with the closing remarks of Course Coordinator Dr Rosy Hastir. She thanked the resource panel, course conveners and the participants and acknowledged the efforts of the Organizing Committee.