The Last Winter

The Last Winter


Ever went on a walk by yourself around the university premises, and let it all in? The nature has many ways to embrace itself and it teaches lessons which books will fail to. Nobody, and no written document can teach you to be humble, no being can teach you how to cherish little pieces of joy that life has to offer, nothing except nature will be able to teach you the value of the ordinary things which most of us take for granted, things simple as breathing in and out.

We the students proudly named ‘Vertos’ are here to stay for a very short duration. We will be here only to earn the degrees that are a worldly requirement, but the fact is you will end up gaining much more than a piece of paper. You will be exposed to the world right here, on the campus, and at the end of your stay here, you will be in awe of it. You will be thankful  that you got be around people who will be a part your life for years to come, some as co-workers, some as business partners, some as lifelong friends and companions, and some as inspiration, and memories. 

As a final year student, with this being my last LPU semester, my last winter here, all I want to say is, I am glad that I can call myself a Verto for as long as I live. I am honored to be a part of this family, I am privileged to have been here. Thanks to LPU, I have learnt so much outside the four walls of the classroom. My stay here has been a mixture of many highs and lows, and along the way I have learnt, and am still learning quite a few life lessons. If it were not for LPU, I might have never become the person I am today.