Tips To Study Effectively For Your Exams


Dream to be the topper of your college? You can make it happen. All you have to do is keep your grind right, stay dedicated and focused. Here are a few tips to trigger the topper inside you.

1.Maintain proper notes: Well maintained notes are one of the best way to reduce your workload during exams. It’s always easier and more effective to read your handwritten notes rather than trying to cram your whole book. Make sure you have made them in a proper sequence, that is maintain a single copy for a subject or try the 6 in 1 register.

2.Make a schedule and follow it: Find the time you are most productive at. Remember this varies from person to person. Find out when you are most active in the day. After a nap? After a game of some sport? Find that time, make a schedule and please stick to it.

3.Study: No one is going to do this for you. If you are dreaming to top the college but failing to study, please wake up, this is planet Earth. If you want to win here you have to prove yourself by your hard work and dedication. Don’t cram things, try to understand them. Study to learn and not just pass exams.

4.Stay Organized: Plan things. Set a time for everything. Make sure when you start studying you finish it too, within a defined period of time. Organize your studying process and your day as a daily event, and trust me you will no longer have to stress yourself during exams.

5.Stop multitasking: Don’t try this dangerous sport while studying. According to studies multitasking is impossible. Focus only on what you are doing. Turn off your mobile phone and other disturbing gadgets while studying. Focus is key.

6.Divide your task: Divide your study into a couple of simple tasks and make sure you achieve them within a deadline. Reward yourself at the end of completion of each small task. Soon you will realize you have ended a unit in a flow.

7.Look for an effective study space: Doesn’t mean go to the library or study only in your study room. But yes, try to find a place away from your electronic gadgets. Doesn’t matter if it is a small desk in your bedroom, or on the floor of your balcony.

8.Take a Good Night’s sleep: This is the easiest to follow, right?Do it religiously. Don’t think that sleep is not important. By studies, an average healthy human should take eight hours of sleep. Sleep will not just freshen you up, but will also help destress your mind and body, thereby enhancing concentration and cognition.

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A budding writer who hails from the city of rich heritage. I am a speaker, motivator, and storyteller. I love to spread happiness.