Virtual Alumni Reunions’ By LPUAA: A Way Towards Unitedness Amid Pandemic

Virtual Alumni Reunions’ By LPUAA: A Way Towards Unitedness Amid Pandemic


Reunions have always been a medium to live those nostalgic moments again. However, the situation that is predominating the people these days has made us forget all the fun and enjoyment that we used to have a year back. People today are living in fear of the unknown! Every second, a threat of losing the lives hovers over their heads. But eventually, as people civilized and modernized themselves from the time of medieval ages, they will adapt themselves to this crisis too. Though, the COVID-19 pandemic has restricted the people from meeting daily and having small gossips during tea sessions and has bound them to the norms of social distancing. But, it couldn’t break the morale of the people, who, by utilizing modern-day technology, have found the smart alternatives to such modern problems.


Today, I feel proud that I am a student of Lovely Professional University, who has never learned to step back in any situation. Amid lockdown as well the university has functioned to its full potential and has served the needs of the current students very well. The university has even comforted the alumni and the aspirants wishing to join LPU, through its various online initiatives. Talking about one such action of the Division of Alumni Relations, LPU, I feel happy to share that these people working with the Lovely Professional University Alumni Association (LPUAA) have found out a unique way of interacting and beholding the bond with the alumni. Virtual Reunions‘ started by them on a trial basis are now trending amongst the alumni, and they are enjoying attending such meets amid this phase of anxiety and stress. LPUAA has once again provided the alumni with a platform to live their nostalgic moments, reminisce about the old college days amid this free time that they have got due to the corona crisis.

Starting from the first Virtual Reunion at the Chennai Chapter, this series of virtual meets has covered 3 International and 5 National Chapters and the count is still on. The alumni, apart from enjoying, and having fun in such sessions, have started employing these stages for their career networking purposes as well. And, what I feel is that it’s the best way to make use of your colleague’s expertise and enhance self-knowledge.


Recently, the LPUAAs Mumbai and Shimla Chapter witnessed their ‘Virtual Reunion’ cum ‘Alumni Talk,’ in which the alumni rolled on their chairs with laughter, and entertained themselves to the gags and pranks of our two alumni Mr. Nikhil Sharma, and Mr. Dharm Raj Kumar. In both the sessions, apart from the magical fun we also had a heart soothing poetry session by our alumnus Mr. Ravi Kant, which was followed by Expert Talks, via specialists of their domains, Mr. Manish Bakshi (Professor-Fruit Science, LPU) and Mr. Ankur Sodhi (Associate Director-UpGrad). Overall we must say that the efforts of Mr. Arundev Sharma (Dy. Officer-DAR) in collaboration with the Local Chapter Committee members have resulted in fruitful outcomes. And, interestingly the current students of the Student Alumni Relationship Cell (SARC), functioning under the Division of Alumni Relations, LPU has been given the opportunity by LPUAA to strengthen their network with these alumni.


Lastly, I would say that this lockdown has, though, restrained the physical movement and meeting of people with each other, but it couldn’t stop the networking and virtual unitedness making its way amid them.