- People drift apart, it’s alright to let go. As we move forward with our lives and grow, we realize we’ve come a long way from who we used to be. You’ll learn a lot about human psychology and behavior in such situations and also learn who your true friends are.
- Don’t stop loving someone because they changed. Accept the fact and learn to grow with them. Learn to love a changing person and appreciate it.
- Achieving your dreams is harder than it’s supposed to be. Success doesn’t come easy and if you thought you did enough, you cannot be far from the truth. Work hard because it’s not that easy.
- Learn to let go. If a relationship is more toxic than liberating, don’t hurt yourself and the other person. Confront the issues and give it a second shot. But don’t give a third shot for the same mistake.
- Don’t allow yourself to be used. Some people have the psychology that tends to rely upon and use the other person. Don’t let yourself be the victim. Again, learn to let go.
- Never compare your life with somebody else’s. It only brings tension that was not there in the first place. You’ll regret it, sooner or later.
- Learn to say ‘no’. It will save you a lot of unnecessary obligations that does nothing well but waste your time. Stay in, watch a movie or just spend some down time instead of raging beer pong. You’ll feel good and save yourself a hangover next morning.
- This age will make you realize the value of money and the need for its proper management. Learn how to do your own bills, finances, taxes, and insurance. You’ll thank your 19 year self one day for it.
- Don’t cling on to your past and live in it. There’s no good in blaming people for past actions or tormenting yourself for something you did 5 years ago. You’re here now. Live in the moment.
- You’ll shop more sophisticatedly. In your teens, you tried every trending look from the grunge to the 90s. After 5 years of experimenting and embarrassing yourself now, you’ll know what you want. You’ll dress like a lady now.
- Do what you love, now. You’re at your best and this is the time when you can make it happen. You can learn anything, perfect your craft and pursue your dreams. Sooner or later things will change and you’ll be left with regret. Don’t let this time slip away.
- Keep in touch with your family. You’ll not feel the need to call every day but do it anyway. Appreciate them with small gestures. They’ll be happier than you can imagine.
- Don’t try to fix everything and everybody. Take the path you want to instead of trying to bend the road that is not meant for you.
- Be true to who you are. Be opinionated and have a perspective of your own. Don’t let anyone affect it for anything in this world. That’s what defines you.
- Self-love is everything. That way you treat yourself is the reflection of how other treat you. Know your worth and never let anyone underestimate your strength.
- Don’t chase behind love. Never settle for what it is. You don’t need to kiss frogs for your prince charming. Don’t commit until it’s magical.
- Take the reins now or lose yourself. Never depend on anyone for something that you can do better. Keep faith in yourself because you are more capable than you think.
- Cook your own meals. It will save you money, safeguard your health and will give you the satisfaction that only a home cooked meal can give.
- You are wonderful, and you deserve nothing but the best. Never look down on yourself because you deserve everything in this world.