Pre Celebrative Programme to commemorate 550th Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev...

Pre Celebrative Programme to commemorate 550th Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev organized at LPU Campus


Pre-Celebration Programme ‘Chadiaa Sodhni Dhrti Lukaaee” was organized at LPU campus to commemorate 550th Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Jee-the First Sikh Guru. On this occasion, LPU students imbibed pronounced teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Jee to be ever humane. The programme was jointly organized by Sarbat da Bhalla Trust, Punjab Jagriti Manch and LPU. Proclaimed classical singers Salim Bandhu-Sunny, Happy and Mani sang sacred Sufi songs to upheld the teachings of Guru Nanak Jee.

Eminently present on this occasion were Lovely Group Chairman Mr Ramesh Mittal, LPU Director General Er H R Singla, President Punjab Jagriti Manch Satnam Singh Manak, General Secretary Deepak Bali, President Punjab Press Club Dr Lakhwinder Singh Johal, Prof Kulbir Singh and more.

Explaining the meaning of the title of the programme “Chadiaa Sodhni, Dhrti Lukaaee”, Bhai Sarab Jeet Singh told that it is about the time when Guru Nanak Dev Jee’s embarked on a long journey of different lands for the welfare of mankind. Guru Jee travelled to far off places and spread the message of ‘one God‘ and that God resides in his creations. He along with Mr Bali, Mr Manak and Dr Johal inspired students through teachings of Guru Nanak. The most important teachings informed by them are that all human beings can have direct access to God. Guru Nanak’s most radical social teachings are based on mutual love, equality, fraternity, virtue and strongly denounce caste system. In fact, Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings till today have a universal appeal.