7 Things You Can Cook in Your Eletric Kettle


Living in a hostel is great, until you get hungry. Then it’s all about making it to the canteen before it shuts or trying to barter midnight snacks for your mechanics notes.  All that misery just to get your hands on some basic nutrition is too much of an effort. Instead, just use your month’s pocket money to buy yourself an electric kettle.

An electric kettle is a life saver in a hostel life. No matter how cool and big your hostel mess, you will always feel the need to make something on your own, or eat a day scholar’s lunch.

Well here are few things that you can make in your own, or a borrowed electric kettle to kill the hunger pangs on those late movie nights :

1. Boil water,make tea and coffee of any type, with or without milk.

2. Make noodles, pasta and even macroni.

3. Make saviyan, halwa.

4. Make soup.

5. Eggs for brekkie.

6. Rice for lunch.

7. Oatmeal for a mid-day munchie.

And when you’ve had enough for the night and wake up late in the morning, you can use the surface of the kettle to iron your shirt for the soft skills lecture.

Happy Cooking!


  1. This one is so creative and fun to learn some quick recipes from you.. This article helped me a lot to get over my hunger and snack on fatty stuff ?

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