Cocoa Day


A freezing cold December day is the best time to make yourself a soothing cup of hot cocoa and sit back to observe the whole world. Each year on 13th December, people all across the world celebrate National Cocoa Day to enjoy their favourite comfort drink.

#NationalCocoaDay is trending and people are celebrating with their cups of Hot Cocoa. It is believed that 2000 years ago Mayans created the first chocolate beverage, and that a cocoa beverage was part of Aztec culture of 1400AD. This beverage was popularised by Europeans after they were introduced to it in Mexico and since then it has been used in various ways. Until 19th Century, hot chocolate was used medicinally for treatment of stomach diseases.

Despite being celebrated for its utterly delicious taste and attracting flavours, there are undeniable health benefits of drinking hot cocoa. It carries a huge amount of antioxidants and thus in many cases has proven to prevent cancer. The cocoa beans are also very effective for curing indigestion and flavonoids found in cocoa is beneficial for arterial health. It also helps in preventing platelets in blood from forming clots. According to a research by American Association for Advancement of Science, hot cocoa can help you in thinking better as flavonoids increase oxygen supply in the brain. So let’s celebrate this amazing drink and make ourselves a aromatic cup of hot cocoa!