The Benefits of Rising Early


Early rising is the secret to a happy life. It is how nature has ordained things to be. All beings except the nocturnal sleep when dusk falls, and get busy with the dawn. Which is why we don’t see them queing up outside the doctor’s. 

We act against our own natural cycle by staying up late at night. Whatever our reasons, work, study, or socialising, if we mess with our biological clock on a regukar basis we stand to lose our health, and the very things we are straining ourselves for. Inadequate or too much sleep can cause lethergy, lack of concentration, depression, irritability and even impaired judgement.

Early rising syncs your lifestyle to the natural rhythm of life. But it isn’t alone sufficient for a healthy life style. It is an opprtunity to the self to acquire good habits and cultivate healthy practices. Go walking in the morning, breathe in the fresh air, listen to birds chirp, watch dew drops slide off petals – you will feel such harmony with the world that all stress with seep off your mind and body. You will find yourself rejuvenated, ready to take on a new day.

Early morning is also the best time to study, practice an art, plan or strategize. This is because our faculties are the sharpest in the morning. When our mind is not bogged down by the day’s worries and our bodies tired fighting the day’s stresses, we are at our best. That is, of course, if we slept in time, in the first place. 

So get with nature’s program and live the healthiest, happiest, and best you can. Like they say, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”