Relationships in college are tricky and problematical. High School was nothing as compared to what’s in store for you in college. A lot of people will not keep your best interest in mind. This applies to friendships and dating relationships. Sad but true, people are selfish!
In college, you will probably either meet friends that will last a lifetime or the love of your life. If you are lucky, you might even get both! The relationships are poles apart in college as compared to high school because you actually live with these people. You’re surrounded by people all day, every day. You can choose whom to hang out with. And you connect with people sharing the same core values. This makes the relationship deeper and stronger.
When it comes to dating, it is advisable not to date during the freshman year! It is easy to find lifelong friends, but it is difficult to find someone who is genuinely interested in you. Remember, don’t change for anyone just because you want them to like you.
The college will bring you to your closest friends. You won’t imagine your life without them and wouldn’t trade your college experience for anything. Don’t get disheartened if you don’t find your friend group right away or the person of your dreams. You have plenty of time to figure it out.