Entering college is the first step to lead an independent life for most of us. It is the time when we are a bit away from our parental guidance, it is the time we are our guardian and it is the time we do satisfy our own needs because our parents living far away from us cannot constantly monitor what we are doing and what habits we are developing.
Gradually, as time passes by, we usually develop certain habits which are not good for our health. Owing to the busy schedule of college life and the lack of experience related to the bad habits and the corresponding health hazards, we pertain to certain habits that we think are saving our time and energy, but are harming us in the long run. Here, we will discuss certain bad health habits commonly developed in college.
- Skipping Breakfasts

This is a habit that most of us develop over time as we walk down the lane of becoming a graduate or a post-graduate. We sometimes tend to wake up late in the morning because of tiredness or skip breakfast to save some time for a last-minute revision or giving a final touch to projects or assignments. But one thing that should be kept in mind is that this habit will bring chronic diseases like diabetes, ulcers and in severe cases also abdominal or pancreas cancers. So, the next time you are skipping breakfast, remember, you are doing nothing but paving the way for these deadly diseases to enter your body.
- Sleeping Late At Night

According to studies done by researchers around the globe, the ideal time to sleep at night is between 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. But how many of the college students call it a day in the given time frame? Also, according to the experts at Stanford University’s Department for the Diagnosis and Treatment for Sleep Disorders, a college student should be getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night. But again, the question arises, how many of the college students do so? Sleep deprivation and improper sleep timings cause many diseases like high blood pressure, insomnia, and diabetes. Robert Brault has rightly said, “One key to success is to have lunch at the time of day most people have breakfast.”
- Caffeine And Energy Drinks

Well, caffeine and energy drinks do give us the spontaneous bursts of energy that we need at that time to complete the tasks that we are doing, but they create a chemical imbalance in the body leading to certain health hazards. They wipe out the presence of natural balance of chemicals that are released according to our biological clock leading to a new set of chemicals, doing their work, in the time where other chemicals would be doing the work to make us sleep or take a quick nap to gain some energy naturally. It is generally advised to refrain from using these energy drinks and too much caffeine in a single day to make our body work naturally, which would help us maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- Being A Slave To Technology

For most of the college students, the days begin with technology and ends with technology. Whether it is snoozing off the alarm in the morning or putting on earbuds or headphones in the night while falling asleep, using WhatsApp to transfer documents or using social networking sites to follow our favorite persons, all the day we are hooked up to the gadgets. Although the effects might not be not visible now, the constant exposure to the harmful radiations emitted from the electronic gadgets or the blue light emitted from the screen cause a lot of harm to our body. Even the earbuds or the headphones cause damage to our ears by preventing the hair growth in our ears permanently thus exposing our eardrums to the foreign particles that may damage it. Similarly, the blue light emitted from the screens causes our biological clock to malfunction thus causing sleep deprivation and the radiations can even cause skin and brain cancer when it passes a certain amount of permissible value. Hence it is generally advised to stop using gadgets at least half an hour before sleep and keep them away from our body when we are idle or taking rest to minimize the amount of radiation passing through our body.