Bullet Journal – To Help Manage A Chaotic College Life


You are a college student. You have assignments, academic tasks, lectures, workshops, seminars, theory exams, practicals, live projects and the list goes on. Trying to remember everything that you need to do is an impossible task when you’re running back and forth all day making sure you do it all. At the end of day when you finally sit down after all the work to watch your favourite TV show, you’ll get reminded by someone that you’ve forget to do something, and it happens more often than we want to admit. Then we procrastinate and either end up losing the task or the quality of our work. Being a journalism student, I’ve experienced this chaos first hand when I have 72 hours’ worth work but my deadline only gives me 24 hours.

So, here’s what I did. I started bullet journaling. For those who don’t have any idea it’s not a to-do list, not a diary or a future log. It is a note taking documentation in which bullet points are the core structure of information. It is a must have for people who like goal setting, habit tracking, scrapbooking, planning, journaling or scribbling.

The main ideology behind keeping a bullet journal is you’ll jot down points to reduce huge chunks of information into easy to remember sentences. You can use any journal or blank notebook to start with and the first page would consist of a legend. It’s a page denoting symbols that will indicate the nature of the task. For example:

Now it’s time to get started. Make an Index. Not necessary if you’re using page numbers but I prefer to do both. Start making lists. These lists will help you organise big chunks of mess. Worried about spending over the limit every month? Make a budget planner. Jot down everyday expenses and next time you’ll think before buying that extra jar of Nutella. Make long term plans, short term goals, bucket lists, reading lists, movies to watch list, and the most important, the everyday list of stuff that you’ve got to get down to. Jot the main idea, get started on it and check it off once done. If you’re one of the creative species then you can decorate all you want. Doodle, scribble or splash some colour to make it yours. Once you get hang of it you’ll enjoy bullet journalling, and it will become the best part of everyday. You’ll be more organised and you’ll be free from the hassle of managing sticky notes or to-dos anymore.