Change the Spectacles


There is something far more beautiful than you, it is your gestures. The way you walk, the way you play with your fingers, the way you speak more from your movements than your words.

It is powerful stuff, this subtext of all things unsaid. Walk like you own the world and you just may end up doing it and walk like you owe something to this world, it will suck every ounce of life you have. It is really the matter of how you carry yourself; be a prince or a pauper, be a star or a streetlight, your choice.

But how you act, what you will become, how you translate yourself, are all dependent on your vision. Of you.

There is no one in this world who looks at things the way you do, no one.  Whatever spectacles you wear to observe this world, defines you, and how you will be perceived. It may be hard to change your pair, but it is in your power to do so.

More than 8 billion souls, and almost as many set of spectacles available, you have the liberty of choosing any, or even better, make one for yourself. And along your way, it will not hurt if you help someone adjust their spectacles too, maybe even borrow yours for a while?

We humans are creatures of mystical power. We can both disturb and restore the balance of life. It is all in how we view ourselves and use our power. Life is really in our own hands, seen through the lens we wear, absorbed by our heart and mind, and communicated in how our body talks.

Want to experience a new world, be a new you? Get yourself a new pair of spectacles.