COVID-19 Crisis Fund Raising Campaign: LPUAA’s Initiative

COVID-19 Crisis Fund Raising Campaign: LPUAA’s Initiative


As we all know it’s ‘Corona Time’ everywhere, and in the wake of the same government & health care bodies have released a set of rules and precautionary measures to be followed, to control the spread of this COVID-19 pandemic. But we have again forgotten that many people have already become the victims of the COVID-19 Crisis and are facing many problems.

Henceforth the LPU Alumni Association appreciated the initiative of our Honourable Prime Minister, of starting the PM CARES FUND, which cares for the destitute people. And, endorsing to Prime Minister’s initiative, they had decided to raise funds with the support of the entire LPU alumni community. And it’s just because of the small efforts by you all, that nearly 47% of the targeted funds have been raised.


Amid the crisis when the entire country is suffering from the devastation caused by COVID-19 pandemic and people are dying due to the lack of proper prevention and care, we even have people like Ms. Punica Bhardwaj, Mr. Deepak. Mr. Piyush Kumar Mishra & Mr. Naveen Parmar, who have come forward in these hard times to help save the lives of the destitute people and have selflessly contributed to support the nation amid this medical emergency.

LPU Alumni Association feels proud and thanks to them for showing their efforts and offering services every time the nation needs them. The organization also appreciate these people who are endeavouring to help the world in this medical emergency and winning millions of hearts by their selfless actions. Such LPU alumni, present across the world are the true examples of the fact that humanity is still alive in the people. “These are the souls that make this planet a place worth living.”  

LPU Alumni Association also appeals to all its alumni across the world to join hands for this noble cause and stand together to fight the war against COVID-19. The funds generated from your notable contribution will be sent to the PM Cares Fund as a small helping hand from the organization’s side.

Apart from serving the society, you will be getting certain benefits as a kind gesture from the LPU Alumni Association for your donation, which is otherwise, a sponsored perks that only a few of our alumni have availed till now. To know more, read the details available on the Campaign Page.

So, let your small contribution create a big change and save many lives. Donate generously, as “Every Rupee Counts