“Grow healthy and adopt the concept of nationality”, invoked Abhishek Singh to LPU students
An Indian Administrative Services (IAS) officer, a social entrepreneur, and an actor too, Abhishek Singh visited Lovely Professional University (LPU) where he stimulated students to follow their individual passion for success in life. While interacting with thousands of students at Shanti Devi Mittal Auditorium of the university, he shared about his proactive life and motivated them on positivism. Entering the campus, he appreciated it for its vibrancy and uniqueness.
As an IAS officer, Abhishek was popular in the bureaucratic circle for his style of working. He always liked to be called a rebel. He left the administrative services to pursue his passion for acting. He shot to fame after featuring in several hit music videos by leading musicians such as Badshah, Jubin Nautiyal and B Praak. His “tough and lovely guy” look also impressed the audience and his music videos always garnered a lot of views. It’s rare for a person like him to enter the film industry and make a mark in no time. However, following his philosophy of life, Abhishek did it as an exemplary one.

This occasion was a ‘Youth Talk-show’ organized by the Student Welfare Wing. The visiting guest speaker Abhishek Singh was greeted by LPU Pro Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Sanjay Modi and Sr Dean Dr Sorabh Lakhanpal.

Sharing his views, Singh said: “I come from a small town, middle-class family. With a steadfast mindset and hard work, I first became an IAS officer, but did not limit myself just to that. And, I ventured into the entertainment industry.” Here, he underlined that no work can be hard unless or until one has no liking for it. A work can be good or bad; good work is always a passion of self; thus, one should follow it ardently.
Singh also shared that tasting success with acting skills, he also ventured into social entrepreneurship and set an example by doing humanitarian work. During Covid-19, he commenced relief initiatives for the community that helped provide oxygen and blood to patients. He also assisted people with a unique vaccination initiative. He also liked students to adopt the concept of nationality and contribute to the country.
Answering to students, he emphasized in key-liners that “the only limit to one’s achievement is one’s own mind”. Taking the examples of illustrious personalities like Elon Musk (52 Yrs old), Warren Buffett (92 yrs), Bill Gates (66Yrs); he advised all to live as per their wishes. “Be courageous in decisions as fortune favours the brave. Adopting time management, prioritize those works which you prefer. Do things in parallel, if these are more in number at a given time. Life is very simple, live it with openness. Do good to yourself, and grow healthy-wealthy to serve the nation.”