How to Just Be Yourself

How to Just Be Yourself


“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

You may have often heard the phrase “just be yourself”. It sounds like an appreciable thing to do, but the question is, what does it actually mean? What if someone is impertinent to other people? Is it okay to just be yourself and go on being rude to everyone? How about people who are introverts, fearful or shy of being around others and want to live a hermit-like life, avoiding people?

According to me, it is very much possible to just be yourself. People who are rude to others and those who are afraid of being social are, in reality, not being themselves. Their real self is just being covered up with the fear-based, constrained thinking.Our true self is who we really are when we let go of all of the past stories, judgments and labels that have been placed on us. It is who we naturally are without the mask and pretension.

Below are some steps that can help you in discovering and uncovering your real self, which is being free of the accumulated thoughts and beliefs that you have collected over a lifetime.

1. Get in touch with your inner child.

If you ever watch small children, you will notice just how free they are because they do not care about what other people think of them. They are happy and they live in the moment.

They are the reflection of their true natures. They don’t care if people think that they are foolish while they dance in the yard for all of the neighbours to watch. Children are pure light and love. If you want to get in touch with your inner child, become freer. Play, have fun and enjoy the moment.

2. Become more aware of your thoughts.

A number of negative thoughts run through our mind every day. After a while, our reality begins to take shape based on all of these constrained thinking patterns.

Therefore, it is important to become aware of the quality of your thinking. Allow yourself to sit quietly every morning before starting your day for just five to ten minutes. Do not let your thoughts get attached to your mind. Becoming more aware of the quality of your thoughts, letting go of the old beliefs, and becoming more present in the present can help in revealing your true nature.

3. Follow your intuition.

This is probably one of the most important factors to being yourself. We ignore our intuition most of the time because we feel obligated to others. We tend to believe that their happiness is more important than our own. We are afraid of what other people will think about us, of failing, and of stepping out of our comfort zone. Because of this, we are unhappy.

It is quite a challenge because we care so much about being accepted by others. So just ask yourself a simple question ‘How would I act right now if I did not care of what others might think of me?’ You will realize that your natural self, without adding anything else, is perfectly fine.

When you start following the little urges and intuitions that you get, you will start the ride on the road of happiness.

When you let go of the old ways of thinking, follow your ecstasy, and do what you like, you begin to align with peace and happiness. These are all signs that you are connected with your true self. You are then allowing your real self to dazzle ahead in all its glory. So go ahead and Just Be Yourself!