Importance Of Feedback

Importance Of Feedback

Importance Of Feedback

Feedbacks are certain kinds of reviews or on the other hand, they can also be said as the suggestions that are given for work that is already done or the work that is going to be done. The work can be any sort like documentation, video, audio and many more. So here comes the question that “Is feedback really necessary and how does it impact on certain work?” Well, in this article we will cover some points regarding the importance of feedback.

First of all, one must understand the difference between feedback and judgement. Judgement can be said as one’s opinion towards a particular thing. When a person is judging you, the judgement can sometimes favourable or maybe not. Because judgments are passed according to one’s perception which may not be helpful at times. Whereas feedbacks are given or taken in the form of suggestions to improve the quality of work that is to be done. Unlike judgements, they do not have negative aspects. We are living in a dog-eat-dog world, so it is of utmost importance for us to improvise ourselves to be successful.

Second of all, we will discuss the reason why feedbacks act as one of the primary sources for perfection. Feedbacks help in efficient planning. By which I mean, they will help construct a worthy plan rather than risky plans. Feedbacks help reducing errors. Taking regular feedback helps you find the minute error also. Despite detecting errors, they also help you find multiple alternatives that can take up its place and correct them. Not only this, but it also motivates you to perform well in your regular day to day activities with the best possible accuracy.

Considering the general life experience, I would like to give some feedback about taking and receiving feedback.

1) Always encourage the spirit of a person who comes to you to take advice.

2) It would make it a lot more comfortable if you try to elaborate on the mistakes that are done rather than just pointing them out so that it would make it easier for the person to understand the mistake and not repeat it later.

3) Always strive for perfection in every work. Try to be perfect even in your regular activities so that it can help you practice “Perfection in every work.”

4) Do not relax until you cannot make it the right way. There may be situations where u may go clueless because you cannot find the correct path, but always try to look for it until you succeed.

5) Proper, well-behaved, and professional way of giving feedbacks would show a good impact and make the person feel that success is in their bag.

Feedback Is The Breakfast Of Champions