We’ve been raised up with a custom to take bath on a daily basis, throughout life. Admit it, bathing is the most procrastinated task of the day, especially of a college student. Thanks to those deodorants!

It’s a familiar notion that taking bath helps us stay clean and maintain so-called aesthetic purity. Claiming bathing prevents various skin diseases, but should we have it daily?  We students though, hate this to do every other day. Let’s give ears to dermatologists, and listen what they’ve got to say?

Is it important to bathe daily?

Dr Joshua Zeicher, a professor of Dermatology (NY, USA) conducted a research for a year. He concluded that bathing too often is actually really bad for your skin. Science says “We over-bathe.” Dr Zeicher says how bathing every day affects the human body?

It dries off the skin. Particularly when we bath with hot water.

Is it important to bathe daily?

Daily bath leads to frequent itching and infections.

Is it important to bathe daily?

Kills away the good beneficial bacteria.

Is it important to bathe daily?

Washes away important body oils off the skin.

Is it important to bathe daily?

Leads to an early exposure to dirt and pollution.

Is it important to bathe daily?

Dermatologists recommend a maximum bath duration of 10 minutes with lukewarm water. Long hot water baths lead to guaranteed hair fall. Takes the toll of your skin and makes it prone to infections. While your activity level and climate will affect how often you’ll want a shower, you can probably skip the daily shower and take one every two to three days.

You’re Welcome!