


Being different and thinking different makes a person unforgettable. History does not remember the forgettable. – Suzy kassem


Have you ever come across a person whose lifestyle does not agree with yours and whose way of talking and behaving is so alien that it repulses you? How do you respond to such a person?  This question requires us to delve deep within ourselves and confront our attitudes.

Most of the time, when we meet people whose lifestyle and behavior are radically different from our own, we generally keep a distance from them. We observe the person for a while to correct our thoughts about him. If the person turns out to be different from what we have judged him to be, then we gradually approach the person and build a relationship with him.

Now, let us examine and try to find out better way of dealing and responding to such situations. The first thing we must keep in mind that we are social beings and that we are dealing with other people and not inanimate things. Each person is unique and we should respect that. Each person comes from a particular background, situation, lifestyle, and upbringing, and those determine the kind of person he is or will be.

“Our differences need not divide us because even as we are unique and individual, we are also all one.” – Henry Kimsey- House  

Each person has his own likes and dislikes, and these may not always overlap with our own. It is a matter of fact that we like to associate with those who have similar tastes to our own. A common adage says, “Birds of a feather flock together”. This should not in any way interfere with our dealings with other people. We need to respect diversity. This requires an attitude of openness on our part.

It is easy to ignore the difference, turn our back on that which disturbs us. It is even more common to voluntarily or in ignorance hurt another person. This why cultural sensitization is such an important aspect of personality development and communication courses today. The rule of thumb when dealing with anyone new, different or familiar, should be kindness and respect. As said by Samesh Elsayed, – “Each creature is a unique piece of art to be respected and believed in. Once we realize this, equality follows.”