International Women’s Day – Time is Now

International Women’s Day – Time is Now

International Women’s Day - Time is Now

“ A Woman is like a teabag. You can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” -Eleanor Roosevelt.

For this very own purpose, to recognize women as equally strong, the 8th of March every year is recognized internationally as “Women’s Day”. It was first observed in 1910 and since then has laid a strong foundation for Women Empowerment.

International Women’s Day - Time is Now

Each year the United Nations (UN) celebrates International Women’s Day with an official theme. With that in regard, the theme for this year is: “TIME IS NOW: Rural and Urban activists transforming women’s lives”.

International Women’s Day - Time is Now

Not a stone has been left unturned. From the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements throwing light on sexual harassment and abuse, to #NiUnaMenos- the one less campaign protesting against femicide, the fight for civil rights by women across the globe has reached a pinnacle.

The TIME IS NOW and change is the lifeline.

  • 49 countries lack laws protecting women from domestic violence.
  • 37 countries have laws that safeguards the culprit from prosecution if they marry the rape victim.
  • The current female population is 49.6%. To be more precise, out of 1000 people, 504 are men and 496 are women.
  • Why then only a bare 23.5% of women make up for world parliamentarians?

The TIME IS NOW for women to have an equal voice in decision making.

  • 43% of global agricultural workers are women with a vast majority from a rural background..

The TIME IS NOW for them to receive equal resources, equal power, equal pay as rural men or urban women.

International Women’s Day - Time is Now

This women’s day, people around the world join hands and combine efforts to create a world free from discrimination. To give the Lady an opportunity to stand on her own feet and dignity for who she is, what she is and what she does.International Women’s Day - Time is Now

The TIME IS NOW, change is in the air. Let us be a part of this change for the sake of our mothers, sisters, daughters, our better halves and for women everywhere. Because we deserve it.