LPU Student created App to help find Authorized Laptop Service Centers

LPU Student created App to help find Authorized Laptop Service Centers

LPU Student created App to help find Authorized Laptop Service Centers

Nowadays, technology is increasing faster than anything in the world. As you see every day one new product is released in the market.

Recently I visited New Delhi. I stayed more than a week but suddenly my laptop stopped working and I didn’t have any idea about that area. I searched for authorized service centers over the web but was of no use as I got thousands of unauthorized results. Besides, I didn’t get proper contact numbers. I was confused about where I was supposed to go. That day made me realize why there is no proper android app for service centers. There will be lots of people like me who would be facing the same issue.

After a few months, I came with an app called Lapi-zone. With this app, you can find authorized laptop service centers in nearby areas!

How it works:

When we open the app, we are able to see multiple brands available in the market from India. We can select any brand from the list; after selecting the brand we can just simply select the states from the list. That’s it. You can find accurate authorized store locations immediately.

Before reaching service centers, there will be an option to call the service provider; you can call them before you visit so there will be no time waste if the shop has been closed.

Also, we are providing navigation by simply taping the navigation option and you will be redirected to the stores. 

Anyone can use Lapi-zone as we have made user-friendly UI/UX. Besides, you will get top gaming accessories updates and you can check the accessories videos or you can purchase the accessories from the list.

No worries about service centers. You can find only authorized service centers in our app. Everything will be official.

About the Author:
I am Charan Kotagiri, a 2nd year BCA student.
App link:  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.service.centers