

What did you come for?

Scared to answer!

Many ways to look at this, one leads to your purpose in life; reason why you were born. Well, yes this is the ultimate question and it takes years for people to figure it out and many are not even able to know till very last moment of their departure.

Another is, your current location; from all the possible places in the world, why you are where you are right now. Answer to this can be dependent on various factors physical, financial, emotional, peer pressure, there are endless possibilities.

Third route is the evil of them all; one’s Expectations. We are humans, willingly or not, we always expect. You can lie to another person to their face that you don’t expect anything or you are not bothered about the results of your action but deep down you already have drawn a picture of time that has not even happened, you predicted. Yes, there are certain time when you actually perform an action without thinking of the consequences, sorry to break this to you, even then either you are extremely happy or full of hatred/anger, another scenario your subconscious kicks in.

Fourth leg to this is, Search, what is that one thing that you keep looking for, day or night, for years? Strange right! We can buy anything on this planet even outside it, but can this gesture of exchanging be able to serve the purpose. Will it be able to give you the satisfaction? Or what if that one thing which you are so curious about is right in front of your eyes but you are not able to have it.

There are several tributaries that divaricate to countless directions which will justify as an answer my question asked but the matter of concern is that hasn’t this thought crossed your mind? If yes, what is your theory or thoughts about it and if not, then it’s time for you to indulge in some Introspection.