School of Chemical Engineering and Physical Sciences Wins ‘Explorica’ Again!


School of Chemical Engineering and Physical Sciences won Explorica the second time in a row – the legacy continues !

Explorica is an event organised by LPU for school students, wherein they may showcase themselves in an environment which they will inhabit in the not too distant future. For all the schools of Lovely Professional University, it is a platform to showcase  their work and encourage young school going students to participate and innovate.

Block 27, which mainly deals with the courses of Basic Sciences as in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, with Chemical Engineering added on this year, won Explorica 2016 which concluded on 23 November.  They were also the winners of Explorica 2015. Their expo was based on the fundament of “the Simplicity behind Complexity”. The whole focus of this school is fundamental sciences and armouring students with the knowledge of basic concepts which will further be used in complex things like technology.

Explorica not only brings the best school forward, it brings LPU up a  step each year when the best schools endeavour to better themselves. With each year surpassing the previous , milestones are set, building a tower of innovation with the stairs of progress, elevators of growth, and skyscrapers of hope for a better future.