Don’t get me wrong, fall semester is great, especially if you are planning to travel because many awe-inspiring places are just a few hours away from LPU. It is also fun because everyone comes after the summer break and is excited to pump it up by catching up, partying and getting started with their work life. However, spring semester is anyways titled the best by many as the mornings become fluffy with sunshine and time seems to fly by when there’s always something to do.

Lighter and Brighter Days

Spring Semester

The cold in fall often puts a damper on the things. However, when it is warm and sunny outside, the campus is full of life. Students are flunking everywhere and the university feels alive. After being cooped up in their dorm rooms all winter, who wouldn’t love to be outside? The days are much more enjoyable.

The Beginning of the Dage Season

Spring Semester

When it comes to cooling down the heat, the daytime hangout sessions complete the college experience. I found it amusing, as half of the students are skipping lectures to grab mojitos while the other half are sipping on flavored drinks during their practices. The lunch break is the best as everyone rushes of the cooled down UNI Centre for a relaxing supper with refreshing iced tea.

The Coming Back from Grey

Spring Semester

During the winter months, you would be lucky to spot a single student on the campus since everyone is tucked away watching the next season of The Arrow. But when the sun’s out, they are literally everywhere! All of the student organizations fundraise outside their departments, students play football on the ground, people study outside on the lawn and everyone has a cheerful mood.

Being able to Wear the Crops and Tanks again

Who doesn’t love slipping into a breezy cotton shirt or a tank top after a cold shower knowing it’s going to be another warm day. No more thinking about the pinching cold wind that pierces through as many layers of clothing as you may put!

Being Active and Productive

Spring Semester

There’s much more to do on the campus and you don’t have to think twice before you do it! Research has shown that spring increases productivity by 52% as people are no longer stranded by the grey days. You feel energized and love the feeling of sweating it out and doing what you want. Most of your work gets done in no time and then there’s you and a tall glass of cold coffee with extra choco chips!

The first week of college has already started and I’m excited about what’s to come! Aren’t you?