

The extravagance that we all try to carry out by making things larger than our lives might actually be not helping us in the ways it is supposed to help. First we chase the unimportant things in life then we go looking for symbols to bespeak our achievements.

Structures are the most impressive status symbols, where thousands of man hours are spent in order to create a building, or monument to the ego. History is testimony to this fact, and many examples of this exist all over the world, a few of them popular tourist destinations.

What do these monuments represent really? Civilization? Architectural advancement? Is living on in human memory really worth it, if the life you lived wasn’t the one you wanted?

Power is transitory and money lacks sedimentary value. Monuments and structures are just stone, dead things that may live on after us, but are never alive. What value do they really have?

We waste life on things of no importance so that we may live on in dead structures. Does our life become more worthy if we put a price tag on the stone which goes over our grave?