The Era of Drug Addiction

The Era of Drug Addiction

era of drug addiction

Drug addiction is a new so-called trend for youngsters. Many people suffer from different diseases, often resulting in death. From 26th of June to 30th of June, student organizationOjaswi” organized live interactions with honorable delegates from different walks of life regarding the issue of drug addiction and how to eradicate it.

This campaign was unfolded in 4 episodes. The first episode took place on the 26th of June with Hon. Ira Singhal ma’am (an IAS officer who is recently working on the upliftment of disabled people). The 2nd episode was with the Bollywood actor who is well known as “Ishaan” on Disney Mr. Karn Mehta on the 27th of June. After two successful episodes, the 3rd episode was conducted on the 29th of June with the famous Bollywood actress Ms. Isha Rikhi. And the last episode of this campaign took place on the 30th with Mr. Akhil Kumar who is an actor, entrepreneur as well as a host.   

According to all, the major problem is due to the access (independence) the youngsters have these days. The easy availability of things has made them targets of the drug dealers. When a child is in his school days, parents are decision-makers and mentor them to do the right things. As soon as they start living away from their parents, influencing them becomes a bit easy.

 The major reasons for getting into drugs are fun or escape from depression; fun includes peer pressure and the urge of becoming famous and cool in front of all and escaping from depression can be because of any sort of problems in their private or professional lives. One thing students should understand that no problem is that much bigger than your whole life. By having drugs, you are just increasing your problems by adding a layer of addiction to it.

Apart from the person consuming drugs, his parents also play a major role in it as they fail to have proper communication with their children. The more you cage them, the faster they try to get into the wrong things. It was advised that parents should have trust in their children and never make them feel trapped in the expectations and rules set by them. And with all these parents should start teaching their children from a young age the consequences of getting into wrong habits. Beating them will worsen the situation. Instead, have a friendly talk and try to dive into why he/she initially diverted their mind towards drugs.

We also learned some cons of taking drugs, which are bad mental health, organ damages, loss of financial prosperity and status, get into criminal activities and even they lose their friends (isolate themselves). Further, it is suggested for everyone to have a busy day and do whatever a particular likes. For example trekking, art, sports, research, etc. In short, try to be high on your dreams instead of drugs. Try to make different friends group on several topics like business talks, sports, and trips. Doing all the things you love helps you to be positive!

Being positive and having strong willpower will help you to be more resistant to such addictions. Be happy and cheerful all the time. It’s never too hard to be happy at every moment, just we need to set our subconscious mind towards good things. In the end, the message all loved to convey is, “stop worrying about the things which are not a problem”. Try to live to the fullest with a positive attitude and explore the world as well as yourself. Try to convey this message within your surroundings. Remember, change starts with us!