UNYC Open House Discussion on Child Labour


Every problem of this world can be solved by awareness and education....

United Nations Youth Community (UNYC) conducted an open house Hindi debate competition as a part of their YouTube program, within the university campus, in an attempt to educate the people about the prevailing global and national issues that need immediate attention. This is the 6th iteration of a program known as DemoSpeak, which they started a few months ago, and the topic of discussion was Child Labour.

The President of the Organization named United Nations Youth Community (UNYC), Mr. Rishab Goyal, says that the chief motive of the organization is to spread awareness about the policies of the United Nations, and also to stand up to the prevalent social and cultural issues that harm the society as a whole. He stated that the event started as an idea to increase the involvement of the people in matters of utmost importance to the society as a whole. They organize this event on almost all major days recognized by the UN, and discuss relevant topics. The format of the debate is quite simple, there are three teams of two each. A team in favour, a team against the motion, and another team takes a neutral stance. They are given limited amount of time to discuss and counter the points raised in the discussion, after which the house is opened for discussion, and anyone in the audience can ask any question pertaining to the topic to any or all the teams at once.

The participants raised very valid points, and skilfully defended their stance against the barrage of questions that were heaved at them. The audience too asked very valid questions that showed their interest and knowledge in the matter, and also their willingness to discuss it all. All in all, it was a very educational episode, and other people seemed to take keen interest in the discussion.

The honorary president of the Organization, Mr. Gafarasi Christian believes that every problem of this world can be solved by awareness and education, and wishes to help as many people as possible by these events. UNYC conducts multiple events throughout the year with various motives, and is popularly considered as the unofficial literary society of LPU.