Professor Mark Parsons, internationally recognised leader in Stroke Medicine, Director Sydney Brain Centre, Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research, Australia, visited Lovely Professional University on August 30 – 31, 2023 along with Mr. Gagan Sharma, Head of Informatics, Melbourne Brain Centre, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia, upon being invited by Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Professor and Dean, LPU HRDC.

Welcome of Eminent Guests at Lovely Professional University on August 30, 2023
A campus tour was organized for the scientific delegation by Mr. Sarabjit Singh Kwatra, Dy. Dean, HRDC, escorting them to the Central Instrumentation Facility, Animal House and Agriculture Fields besides other campus amenities. Prof. Parsons appreciated the research ecosystem and showed willingness for collaborative initiatives.

Glimpses of Visit to Central Instrumentation Facility on August 30, 2023

Glimpses of Visit to Animal House on August 30, 2023

Glimpses of Visit to Agriculture Farms on August 30, 2023
The delegates met and discussed avenues of collaboration with Dr. Lovi Raj Gupta, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Dr. Monica Gulati, Executive Dean, Dr. Aman Mittal, Vice President & Head, Division of International Affairs, Dr. Neeta Raj Sharma, Professor, Sr. Dean, School of Bioengineering and Biosciences, and Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Professor and Dean, Human Resource Development Center and their teams.
On August 31, 2023 Sydney Brain Centre and Lovely Professional University entered into a research collaboration to mark the beginning of a synergistic journey ahead. Dr. Ashok Kumar Mittal, Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha and Honorable Chancellor, Lovely Professional University graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Addressing the august gathering Dr. Mittal remarked that effective experimentation is essential to do meaningful research. He expressed his pleasure about the onset of a meaningful collaboration between Sydney Brain Centre and Lovely Professional University, Mark William Parsons’ Scholarship for empowering women in STEM, on a merit cum means basis and recognition of LPU students’ passion for innovation as exhibited in Proxmed-LPU Hackathon. He appreciated the initiative of setting up Parsons’ Multidisciplinary Center of Excellence in Neuroscience. He remarked that such initiatives are instrumental in creating growth-oriented road map in today’s competitive world. He expressed hope that this MOU would usher in an era of enhanced research output. Lovely Professional University has been working towards socially impactful research and these global collaborative tie ups would facilitate LPU’s mission of ‘Transforming Education, Transforming India.’

Honorable Chancellor, Lovely Professional University, Dr. Ashok Kumar Mittal, Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.
Professor Parsons addressed the students and faculty in Shanti Devi Mittal Auditorium and announced Mark William Parsons’ Scholarship for empowering the women in STEM worth Rs. 1 Lakh per year for two girl students of Lovely Professional University every year for five years w.e.f 2024 to 2028, on a merit cum means basis. He appreciated Lovely Professional University’s vision for professional education, commitment towards societal development and inclusive approach to ensure quality education is accessible to all sections of the society.

Address by Prof. Mark William Parsons, Director Sydney Brain Centre
The result of the first of the series of Hackathon was announced. The top two winning teams were awarded cash prizes. The first position was bagged by Mr. Aditya Chaturvedi and Mr. Shivam Singh, students of B.Tech Computer Science (4th year) while Mr. Raunak Kumar B.Tech Computer Science (4th year) and Mr. Sarthak Singh, B.Tech Biomedical Engineering (4th year) bagged the runners up position.

Proud Moment Proxmed-LPU Hackathon winners awarded cash prize

Proud Moment: Proxmed-LPU Hackathon The Runners Up
Professor Parsons accepted the offer of adjunct faculty at Lovely Professional University, bringing along his illustrious experience from UNSW Sydney, which is ranked amongst the Top 25 universities of the world.
Another significant outcome of this collaboration was the selection of two LPU students Mr. Aditya Chaturvedi, B Tech CSE and Mr. Sarthak Singh B Tech, Biomedical Engineering as interns at Proxmed Pty. Limited, by Mr. Gagan Sharma. The collaboration has got off to a good start and with all stakeholders earnestly involved would be mutually beneficial!
The Outcomes so far :
- MOU between Lovely Professional University and Sydney Brain Centre Signed
- Mark William Parsons’ Scholarship for empowering the women in STEM worth Rs. 1 Lakh per year for two girl students of Lovely Professional University every year for five w.e.f 2024 to 2028, on a merit cum means basis, announced. (Guidelines and Panel to be formed).
- Winners of Proxmed- LPU Hackathon awarded prize money
- Prof. Mark Parsons accepted the offer of adjunct faculty in the School of Bioengineering and Biosciences.
- LPU students were interviewed and two final year students- Mr. Aditya Chaturvedi, B Tech CSE and Mr. Sarthak Singh B Tech, Biomedical Engineering selected as interns by Proxmed Pty. Limited.