10 Hacks To Improve Your Memory


Exams seem to arrive way faster than we expect, and despite putting in a whole lot of effort, we end up forgetting more than we remember. Isn’t it the most hilarious phenomenon our lives put us through? The midnight fuel we burn goes waste as we forget what we memorised soon as the question paper slides onto our desks.

Students often face this challenge and studies have suggested various triggers such as nervousness or pressure for loss of memory. So below are 10 ways to boost your memory when you take your upcoming midterms –

1. Take a walk before your exam  – This small exercise will your boost your brain and memory.

2. Instead of reading your notes again and again, read them out loud. It’ll increase your chances of remembering that information by 50%.

3. When you get something down, treat yourself. It will motivate and relax you which will allow your brain to soak information more clearely.

4. If you know something, teach it to your classmates who don’t know it yet. You’ll save two lives :).

5. Connect everything – Create mind-maps and associate everything you know with some other thing. This will be your backup in case you drop a link. You’ll have several dots that will lead you to that missing piece of information.

6. Let’s doodle what we know. Yes, you can do that even if it’s a mathematical formula! Cartoons, art, sketches, whatever connects your mind with your subject will help you remember it 10x faster. Visual learning is actually effective!

7. Have notes, presentations and material piling up in your drive? Every lecturer prefers some weird font and it can mess with your brain. Gather everything in one document and put it in Times New Roman. Why? Because it’s the easiest font to read!

8. Need internet connectivity while studying, but adds keep disturbing you? Use AdBlock! As simple as that.

9. Somehow you get through a topic, but the thought of reading more on it is making you fall asleep? To avoid drooling on your study table watch a documentary on the same topic with a large tub of popcorn! You’re good to go.

10. Heard about flashcards? Jog your memory by using them. And if you feel cutting trees is a serious crime, use online flash cards!

Best of Luck for the upcoming exams!