5 Live Projects By LPU Students

5 Live Projects By LPU Students


Students of Lovely Professional University are currently working on so many projects which are helpful for the society. Through this article, I will share 5 of those live projects with you:

Automated Solar Vehicle

The most buzzed topic in LPU last year was the automatic solar car which is prepared by students in college after some training. This was built by students in the renowned labs dedicated to these works. This automated vehicle was the focused thing in the Indian Science Congress (ISC) – 2019, In which Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi also talked about it and appreciated the students for their work.

Village Development Project in collaboration with Punjab Government

Students of Student Organization and Student Welfare Service club NSS in collaboration with the Punjab Government are doing a project to develop and raise the standards of villages in nearby areas. Students proposed the idea in front of government authorities and they are now collectively working to develop villages. Working day and night with all others work to make this a success.

Various Mobile Applications by college students

Many students in college time are developers of various mobile applications that are available on Play Store. Applications like – LPU Marks Calculator, Attendance calculator, Presentation Management System (PMS), and many more. Students successfully developed these applications to facilitate other vertos as well as society.

Gesture Control Wheelchair

A wheelchair that is controlled by our gestures. Yes, again LPU’s students are ticking the boxes in the technical field. This wheelchair will be monitored or controlled by gestures of the person sitting. Fully developed by students of college inside the labs after some training provided by faculty members.

Hunar Se Rozgar Tak

Lovely Professional University’s students organizing various workshops to accomplish the dream of others. Digging out talent from someone is probably a difficult task, but through these workshops, we help them to master their talent so that they can earn from that. As we know, “if you enjoy the work, work becomes easy”, and what more can anyone enjoy if they choose their “HUNAR” as their work.

These are some of the incredible work done by students where they got full support from the university in every possible way. If you also have some innovative ideas, bring it on as your college is always there to support you.