6 Ways You Can Improve Your LinkedIn Profile


Remember those days when every jobseeker used to carry a piece of paper – his resume to every agency and company. That used to be his collection of achievements and qualifications. But it’s 2017 and things just don’t work that way anymore. Whether you are a college student looking for internship, or a graduate seeking his dream job – you’re going to need a CV or resume, and not that paper one. These days every industry knows one thing – LinkedIn. And yes, it matters whether your profile is there or not.

Your LinkedIn URL is your new CV and your professional story is right there on it. Those who don’t have a LinkedIn profile yet should start making one, and those who need a boost in their profiles, hop on and follow these simple steps to get noticed by your dream companies.

  1. Your photo acts as virtual handshake, so make it a one that aligns with your role as a professional. Don’t include your dog or your significant others, as people would not appreciate an informal holiday picture.

  2. Keep your position updated and add previous positions to show prospective employers and headhunters, how much experience you have gained.

  3. Put up a list of relevant skills, depending on which stage you are at in your career, and what role you are looking to get.

  4. Add your location. It highlights you among local companies and also the LinkedIn Jobs feature will trace potential job openings for you in that area.

  5. Write a summary that tells your story and make it interesting by adding multimedia. About 40% recruiters choose their employees based on how they describe themselves.

  6. Add as many certificates as you can. You can also earn them by taking free courses on LinkedIn. As the competition is growing, people look for more skilled employees rather than those with only college degrees.

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Wandering wordsmith fascinated by my fellow journeyers. I’m a journalist, avid reader, photographer and food fanatic who came to love guitar strings and city streets in India and found comfort in the mindfulness of thoughts and dreams.

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