Things You Need to Know about Virtual Internship?

Things You Need to Know about Virtual Internship?


The industry today is adopting fast. The newer ways to engage employees are gaining up. Distance today is not an issue at all. The company’s growth is unbound by geographical boundaries.

One such medium is Virtual Internship. Virtual Internships are often confused with ‘Work From Home’. There is a difference. When you’re interning you’re being taught and then you work on a few introductory projects for the company, on the other hand, in the case of ‘Work From Home (WFH)’ the company takes you on as a fully qualified employee. The internship has a learning curve, unlike WFH.

Here are the things you gotta keep a check on when applying for internships online.

  • Requirements
    • Résumé: A good résumé is the first step to land you up literally anywhere. Have a résumé aligned up with all of your skills, things you’re good at. Make the skill-set entirely clear and keep it minimalist. It has to be in a multi-colored PDF with working hyperlinks. Add all your social links. LinkedIn profile as well.Internship
    • Projects: It’s a good thing to have projects based upon the skill you want to intern with. Your profile tops up automatically if you have the projects on that skill.
    • Communication Skills: Companies interview applicants on telephones, video calls and sometimes in person, so make sure you have a good hold on the words and excellent presentation skills.


  • Skills
    • Always apply for the internships which require a particular skill-set you’re good at, or have an ‘okay’ grasp on. Companies avoid novice applicants as it takes a considerable amount of time to teach them.Internship
    • Get your skills endorsed by people and the projects attached.
    • Don’t add too many skills to the skill-set as it makes it hard for the companies to distinguish for the technology you’re particularly good at.
  • Platforms

There are various platforms to start with:


LPU has Campus Ambassadors for each of the above-mentioned platforms. You can contact them anytime.

Good Outcomes:


When you intern at a firm, you gain experience, learn about the ins and outs of a company. You don’t have daily follow-ups, you need not wear those formals each day and go into the cubicle. No sitting for 8 hours and working the beats through the day. You can choose whatever time suits your daily schedule. No need to burn up when you’re done with the job for the day.

Ill outcomes:


You miss out on the co-working experience, don’t know how it makes the difference. The co-workers are the best to turn for if you get stuck in your task, for virtual internships it’s a no! Also, it’s hard to get things done each day, often miss out the deadline for the day and the pressure rushes in. It becomes hectic if not regulated properly. Stacking up of tasks of today to tomorrow is a common feature among virtual interns.

InternshipDoesn’t matter if you are enrolling for a virtual internship or not, the idea of doing an internship is a good one. It’s always good to learn, and learning while doing is the best way. So go turbo! Hit the brain cells and work hard. Keep things in your control and ace everything which comes down the way. Life is too short to sit and relax, stand up and slay!

All the best!