LPU recognized as India’s Leader in Online and Distance Learning

LPU recognized as India’s Leader in Online and Distance Learning

LPU recognized as India’s Leader in Online and Distance Education

Two of the premier journals providing current affairs, career review and global educational news- ‘Competition Success Review (CSR)’ and ‘The Knowledge Review’,  both have acknowledged Lovely Professional University as a leading provider of ‘Online and Distance Learning’ in India, in their latest editions.

The CSR, in its May 2022 edition, has enumerated the leading institutions in the field of distance education. It mentions LPU as the major contributor in improving the gross enrolment ratio (GER) in higher education in India. It also holds that LPU champions the ‘technology-infused blended mode of delivery’. LPU’s offerings are growing stronger every day as new implementations and inclusions are founded on AI (Artificial Intelligence).

While referring to LPU’s position in the ‘National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF)’ rankings of Government of India for the last two consecutive years; the CSR also acknowledges LPU students who gained illustrious success at the Tokyo Olympics.  

‘The Knowledge Review’ even brings LPU as its cover story. It commends LPU for the successful transition it made in educational enhancement, especially during the pandemic period. It raises LPU to the position of ‘Erudite Leader’ for advocating the blended practices adopted in ODL programmes. It holds that LPU has surpassed the national and international boundaries in reaching its learners. LPU’s programmes cater to the needs of all those students who cannot pursue formal education in institutions. Thus, LPU aims at bridging the distance in education.

It further exhibits LPU’s success saga by presenting the glorious journey of awards and recognitions made. This includes rankings from ‘Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022’, ‘Outlook-I Care Rankings 2021’ and many more.

LPU Chancellor Dr Ashok Mittal shares: “Objective of LPU is to prepare graduates into seasoned professionals with strong analytical and leadership skills. Our distance education students get the same opportunities as their regular counterparts at the campus-be these academics, cultural, competitive, placement or sports activities.” Dr Mittal adds, “Moreover, our goal here is to develop and implement a relationship of co-operation between industry & academia.”

In fact, LPU has been offering aspirational quality education to distance learners for the last many years. In due process, it has experimented with, and adopted the best means to provide an engaging learning experience for its students by envisioning regeneration of the glorious ancient Indian education system.