LPU scholar delivers speech in the Indian Parliament


    At LPU, we celebrate almost every festival, we dress traditionally, turn Block 13 into a mini version of that region, embrace our diversity, and carry the essence of oneness. This level of integrity and unity comes from the history of this great nation. 

    We are delighted to share that the LPU family was able to pay tribute to the man who has the most significant role in delivering this idea of unity to the most diverse country, yes we are talking about Sardar Vallabhai Patel – The Iron Man of India. 

    On 31st October 2022, LPU scholar Bhumika delivered an inspirational and patriotic speech at the Indian Parliament in New Delhi. She spoke about the significance of Sardar Vallabhai Patel’s contribution to Indian society right after Independence. Her analogy between pre-independence and present-day India astonished every listener present there and filled their heart with patriotism and respect towards the great personality. 

    In her speech, Bhumika highlighted The Iron Man of India’s contribution toward the unification of 562 princely states into one country. She mentioned how the tears and emotions of the people of Hyderabad and northeastern states integrated with the soil and iron that constituted the great – Statue of Unity.

    In her concluding statement, she emphasized the importance of enlightening our hearts with the values of Sardar Patel, if we are aiming to become the ‘Vishwa guru’ because the success of India is not a responsibility of the 788 members of the Parliament, but a collective responsibility of 1.3 billion citizens. 

    Standing and delivering a speech in the Parliament of the biggest democracy in the world is a privilege in itself. Bhumika certainly made an impact on the youth and shined during the event.