


The papers will report it as an accident, just another accident that happened in this big city.

 It was an accident, accidents happen.

People will read it in the papers tomorrow, sipping their morning tea and complaining of the increasing number of accidents in this city.

 It was an accident, accidents happen.

It won’t even be covered by the electronic media. They have enough cricket tournaments to attract sponsors. I don’t blame them.

It was an accident, accidents happen.

I don’t blame anyone for whatever happened to my son.

It was an accident, accidents happen.

Just some miscalculation in the mind of an educated, experienced doctor, who must have saved enough lives in his life, for one sin to be forgiven.

 It was an accident, accidents happen.

Just a few milliseconds of technical fault by the traffic department, to show  two green lights at an intersection. However, they work day and night, preventing accidents from happening.

It was an accident, accidents happen.

The doctor and the policeman both tried to save my son’s life. I was called to the hospital directly.

“It was an accident”.

Accidents happen.

His mother sits waiting for her son to come home, so that he can cut the cake she learned to bake for his birthday.

His sister would be waiting for her brother to come home, so that she may gift him the watch that she saved for six months to buy.

His friends would be waiting for him to come home so that they can give him birthday bumps, and then hug him and tell him how much he is loved.

His neighbours would be waiting for him to come home so that they may bless him, hoping that his mother would pray for the well beings of their sons too.

That pretty girl would be waiting for him to come home, so that she may give him new strings for his guitar, when they meet at the terrace later in the night.

What would I tell all of them?

That it was an accident, and accidents happen?