5 Different Ways to Celebrate New Year

5 Different Ways to Celebrate New Year

5 Different ways to celebrate New Year

With New Year around the corner, we often gather around with our friends and family to celebrate. But have you thought of different ways to celebrate it other than the usual norm of cutting the cake and having a celebratory dinner or clubbing? Here is a list of 5 different ways you can celebrate this New Year creatively and make it one of the most memorable times.

  1. Home movies and popcorn – What is more memorable than sitting with family and watching a home movie filled with photos (memories) of past years. You can see how much you have grown together going through emotions and memories from being hilarious to downright embarrassing.  Of course what makes it even better is watching and laughing while eating the heavenly treat of buttery popcorn.
  2. Pyjama party – New Year doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go to clubbing to have the real fun. You can call up your friends and cousins at home and have a pyjama party with lots of food. You would definitely be making another worthwhile memory.
  3. Hiking with friends – For those of adventure spirit what can be more special than welcoming the New Year in the mountains or by lakes. You can plan a hiking trip with friends and family and celebrate it around bonfire in woods with joy and laughter.   
  4. Having a brunch – Sometimes it happens that we go out celebrating with our friends and can leave no time to celebrate with family, then what is better than spending time with them over brunch. Food and Family go hand-in-hand when making something memorable.
  5. Volunteering time – This is my personal favorite and I am pretty sure it is of many other kind souls’ too. Spending time with kids in an orphanage or volunteering to help at old age home and celebrating with them is one-of-a-kind experience which just cannot be missed. The warmth you get from celebrating with them is something which no one can describe and it makes world a little better place to live.

These were the ideas you can try this New Year. And if you have any more creative ideas or like anyone of these feel free to let us know in the comment section.