Five Things to Look for in a Phone


I understand it's difficult to put up with a two-year-old phone, which reboots itself and optimizes apps a hundred times a day! 

Surely, you’re planning to get a new phone, and I wish that your wish of purchasing iPhone 7 plus comes true. But if you’re not planning to get an iPhone, I have few tips for you to get the best phone for your use.

1. The RAM: DO NOT,  and I repeat do not, get a phone with less than 2 GB RAM. I currently use Xperia c3 and it has a 1GB RAM and it is almost two years old and I am fed up of it. It’s acting like a real brat, refusing to do anything I need it to!!

2. Software: If you are an IOS lover, get an upgrade on your old iPhone, and if you are an Android lover and in no case want to spend that money on an iPhone, look for a phone with at least 16GB internal memory. We Android users we have SD card slots too and we don’t really experience too many problems. My phone is 8GB internal memory but I notice that whenever I open my file manager it just shows 5.5GB internal storage and that too gets full every second day, so I am compelled to transfer all my data at least once a week to my laptop.

3. Camera: Oh come on, who doesn’t want a fantastic camera, to be more precise, ‘front camera’. It’s the selfie age and people are all crazy about the social media and the pictures they upload, which shouldnt have likes less than 200. Get a phone with a good camera, front and back. Who knows, you might get to send your amateur portfolios somewhere.

4. Battery: We young people, always texting, tweeting, and what not. We have so much to do in a day and to get everything in your phone as a memory is must. So better go for better battery backup so that you don’t have to rush while capturing a picture when your battery is just 1%!!

5. Resolution: It’s not always convenient to carry your laptop everywhere. Like while you’re traveling and you want to Netflix and chill, it’s pretty inconvenient to pull out your laptop and set it up. What I recommend is a phone with HD resolution so that you can ‘Netflix and chill’ anywhere.

Well, that’s all I have for you today. I hope you get lucky and find a good phone for yourself.