


..the greatest paradox in life is that to become a happy person you have to let go of wanting to feel happy all the time..

If you hold gratitude in your heart for all that is life regardless of whether it is joy or pain, it probably means that you have mastered your emotions, because you are no longer emotionally attached to outcomes. Being unattached emotionally doesn’t mean you don’t intellectually desire things to be a certain way, or try and change undesirable things, it just means that you accept things as they are and how they make you feel. Most people cling so desperately to positive outcomes that they can’t handle failure or disappointment. They confront or attempt to escape undesirable situations rather than accept them, understand that it is all part and parcel of the gift of life, be grateful and move on. 

This is a greatest paradox in life is that to become a happy person you have to let go of wanting to feel happy all the time, and instead just accept the good and the bad with equal gratitude. This will help you feel much more relaxed, at peace, and centred, which are identifiable components of that elusive whole that is happiness.

I’ve only just started to experience in this in fleeting moments, despite having read about the concept many times over the years. I don’t think this is a state of mind that can be forced, I think it just comes naturally after you deal with all the emotional baggage that stops you feeling gratitude in the first place.