Happy Cookie Day


From the crunch of nuts to the sweetness of fruits to the creamy chocolate inside, cookies are full of all sorts of goodness. Delightfully chewy and sinfully crumbly, there’s no doubt that cookies more than deserve their own day. In order to honor their blissful contribution to the world of bakery and confectionary, on 4th December every year Cookie Day is celebrated to salute these little treats.

All this started back in 1987 when Matt Nader of San Francisco based Blue Chip Cookie company, announced Cookie Day and said “It’s just like having national secretaries’ day…It will be a fun thing to do.” Since then the worldwide celebration for these little guys started and got more popular with time. 

The English word “cookie” is derived from the Dutch word “koekie” meaning little cake. Cookies originated in Persia in the 7th century as soon as sugar became common in that region. Through the Muslim conquest of Spain, they spread through Europe and were common in all levels of society, from street vendors to royal cuisine, by the 14th century.

Centuries later, today, cookies are comfort food, travel companions and the reason for many a visit to the mall, or a Subway meal. And they are total lifesavers during exam prep, when hunger strikes without warning and there’s no time to grab anything else. 

To celebrate this literally sweet occasion, pick up some cookies from your local bakery, try some new flavors, make your own at home, and have a Happy Cookie Day!

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Wandering wordsmith fascinated by my fellow journeyers. I’m a journalist, avid reader, photographer and food fanatic who came to love guitar strings and city streets in India and found comfort in the mindfulness of thoughts and dreams.