“Good Morning LPU. The time is 7 AM.”
This announcement, reverberating through the long corridors of the hostel used to be my wake-up call in the morning. Here, we go again: the commencement of another eventful day in Lovely Professional University, as a B.Tech Student has just begun.
Struggling to get out of bed, followed by brushing, freshening up, taking shower, packing my bag and getting ready would take more than an hour, I guess, the busiest hour of my day.
“Good Morning LPU. The time is 8 AM.”

Let me head-out, I’m getting late. The classes for B.Tech CSE mostly started at 9, which means, I still have an hour left before my teacher starts marking the attendance. A few minutes past 8, I’m in the hostel mess, having my breakfast with my friends and checking my feeds in case I am missing anything important.
It’s no hidden fact that LPU has a massive campus, a campus that truly defines how a university should be in terms of architecture, planning, and environment. Just for estimation, I was in hostel 4 and the route to my classes, which were held mostly in blocks 36, 37 and 38, is more than a kilometer.
Well, I won’t complain about that. No road is long if you have perfect friends to accompany. At around 8:30, we started our walk, a group of friends casually walking through the pavements, gossiping, pranking, and exchanging anything important till we reached the classroom as displayed in the LPU Touch app.
Here begins the most interesting group of hours of the day: the classes. The modern classrooms and the knowledgeable professors make up a perfect combo to learn the intricates of technology and programming. Shifting of classrooms, perfectly spaced practical classes, labs, and off-the-topic chit-chats between the students and the teachers truly make learning fun. Things like surprise tests, CAs and on-spot presentations do terrify us a bit, but in the end, it’s for our benefits, and that’s completely fine.
This went until 4 or 5 P.M, with an hour break in the middle for lunch. The hectic day at the university has already started to show its signs: faces were covered with tiredness, hair haphazard, and eyes wanting some rest. But we knew it was temporary.

In LPU, you will find one event or the other happening throughout the week: contests, shows, live performances, bands, interactive sessions with well-known personalities, performances of film stars, concerts and whatnot. What great stressbusters they were! After our classes, we had one option to choose from: attending an event of our interest or playing football till our legs fell numb. On days when none of these suited us, a cup of hot coffee from the Lovely Sweets or from UniMall brought in a fresh surge of energy.
A couple of hours of self-study would follow in the evening till we all assemble for dinner in the hostel mess. A few hours later, the day would come to end.
Such sweet memories! Chilling out in the mall after class, strolling the campus in the evening, burning every ounce of fat in the playgrounds, enjoying savories from all around India from numerous food kiosks, late night Pizza or Maggi parties in the hostel, and celebrating birthdays of our friends, all seems like distant memories.

Not to forget, the late-night studies in the grand library of LPU, and sometimes the sleepless nights before tough exams are stories for the future too.

Last year, times were hard, for all of us. But things are getting back on track. With the commencement of vaccination drive against COVID-19, we are somewhat optimistic that we will be on the campus very soon, leaving the decision under the apt jurisdiction of the authorities. Until then, let’s fall back on the selfies and group photos to relive those memories we gathered on the wonderful campus of Lovely Professional University.