LPU Alumni Meets in Melbourne and London


Like branches of a tree, Vertos may grow in different directions, but their roots remain the same. Reunions are the best way to nourish those roots and nurture old bonds. Recently we had not one, but two reunions for our alumni abroad. 

Melbourne, Australia

The first Australia Reunion was held at Hume Haveli, Melbourne, on Nov 24th. Dr. Sanjay Modi, Executive Dean, welcomed the 27 alumni who gathered together to reconnect with each other and reminisce their LPU years. Laughter and memories were shared, with earnest promises made, to reunite soon again.


London, England

13 Vertos gathered at a restaurant in London for an LPU alumni reunion, on Nov 26th. As old friends caught up over a sumptuous dinner, news and stories were shared, new memories made and old ones laughed over. In the season of joy and celebrations, it was definitely an evening for LPU to smile over.
